
Thursday, March 18, 2004

My First Post

. . . and so it came to pass that Steve Smith, without fully understanding why, began to blog. Assuming that "to blog" is a verb.

Well, actually Steve Smith had begun to blog covertly some time previous but, to the best of his knowledge, only one other person had read this covert blog, and it seemed a crime to rob the world of his penetrating insight into frivolous matters. What if he were to perish in a tragic accident whilst attempting to separate some firmly affixed powers? Sure, there would always his thousands of posts on the Students' Union Webboard. And there would always be the legendary M. Mustafa "Mustafa" Hirji, who always seems to steal Steve's best ideas before Steve himself even thinks of them, but somehow this isn't enough. . . no, there are still thoughts that Steve hasn't published online, and he can't bear the thought of them being lost forever. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the dregs.

. . . and so it came to pass that Steve Smith started talking in the first person.

I don't know how to start a blog. I don't even know the point of this blog. My two favourite blogs to read are Nick Tam's and Jen Smith's, which both follow very different styles. Nick is a brilliant writer, who posts beautifully crafted (though all together too infrequent) treatises on movies, language, student journalism and, of course, hack. But I don't write as well as he does, and would probably find forcing myself to consistently write competently on this medium more tedious. Jen writes more stream of consciousness, such that she sometimes switches topic mid-paragraph or makes entire entries that are incomprehensible to the layman. But, alas and/or alack, my own consciousness streams more ponderously than hers, and considerably less interestingly.

On final analysis, my philosophy going into this blog can probably be summed up in the same way as my philosophy towards politics and interior decorating: throw a bunch of shit at a wall and hope that some of it sticks.


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