
Sunday, March 28, 2004

No time for the killing floors...

On the way back from the airport today, I heard the Guess Who's "No Time" for the first time in a while. I'd forgotten how much I liked that song.

Today wasn't good, which I anticipated, but it wasn't really that bad, either. I'm likely going to attempt to get hypnotized tonight - I've done so a couple of times before, and I find it provides a good excuse to act like a ninny on stage outside of election time.

On the blog front, yesterday was a terribly low day as far as bloggery goes, but I now have a bunch of other blogs to add to my links. Points of Information is a general hack blog which had been dormant for a couple of months until something I posted here prompted Mustafa to revive it. Chris Samuel has started a blog of his own - while he has requested that nobody look at it, I've never been one to listen to Samuel. Janet Lo has a blog which hasn't been updated in months, but perhaps she'll find time to post on it once April 30 rolls around and she has more free time (then again, I suspect that Janet will find a multitude of new ways to fill that free time, so perhaps we ought not to count on it). Finally, Spencer Keys, King of the UBC Hacks, also has a blog, whose addition to my links list makes this site a veritable Hub of Hackishness - three institutions and counting.

A number of people who started a blog to emulate me haven't posted in a while. Pale imitations be they, the lot of them.

On topic with this post's first line: "No time for a summer friend, no time for the money you send."

Distant roads are calling me,



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