
Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Uh oh. All your references are baboons...that not good.

I've been advised that one of the most exciting new growth industries is "hobo." Perhaps I should explore that field this summer.

The U of C S.U. Council just censured its President. Between that and the elections being overturned, I sort of wish something similarily dramatic would happen here. Perhaps I should cause such a thing.

Heather Wallace has been kind enough to provide me with some constructive criticism on this blog, in the form of "Dude, your blog sucks." Perhaps I shall take this criticism more seriously as soon as Heather herself stops visiting on a near-daily basis.

Tomorrow, I am definitely going to figure out if I have any finals or anything this term. In other exciting academic news, a perusal of the U of A calendar from the year that I entered business indicates that I'm allowed to take up to eight years to get my B. Comm. This is amazing.

Finally, everybody - especially all the Young Liberals I've known - should read Paul Wells. It has sometimes seemed like he and I were the only prominent commentators sufficiently lucid to recognize that Paul Martin, to lapse into slang for a moment, got nothin'.


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