
Monday, March 22, 2004

When an eel bites your hand
And it's not what you'd planned
That's a moray...

So I recall reading several years ago that a study of North Americans working in white collar environments had indicated that there was a very strong inverse correlation between people's assessment of their own levels of competence and their co-workers assessments of their levels of competence - the ones who were widely considered incompetent never had any idea that this was the case, while the really competent ones always had some doubts about their job performances. I bring this up because I've always considered myself to be a pretty competent guy - sure, I assume that most deadlines are flexible, and I have a memory like a sieve, but generally when I set out to do something I wind up doing it well. Unless that "something" is being comptroller of the Engineering Students' Society.

I'm not sure what it is about this particular position, but I miss appointments, fail to complete tasks, and make mistakes. It's like I've conserved my lifetime supply of incompetence just for use in this one position. This is relevant because I am presently sitting in the offices of the E.S.S., trying to audit their books in preparation for tomorrow's General Meeting. This will not be an especially credible audit, especially since I've consumed an entire bottle of Buckley's Mixture in the last hour, and am spending a good portion of my time rocking back and forth, giggling to myself and singing lines from showtunes. Thank you very much, I'll be here all night.

In non-sinking-rapidly-into-the-depths-of-insanity news, there is a lovely discussion on blogs going on here. Of course, most of you probably already knew that, since that thread is how you got here in the first place. Also, Steph and Ross have both started blogs (and they both mention me fairly regularily). I'm such a trendsetter.


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