
Wednesday, April 07, 2004

For the benefit of those of you who haven't been paying attention:

I am an unstoppable stallion god

Actually, that's probably not quite strong enough. I am that great. I'm rarely at a loss for words, but not even I can find any suitable for describing the wonder that is Steve Smith.

Thus far this week - from Sunday to today - I have done all the work necessary to pass three classes. That includes learning the necessary material, doing the necessary assignments, and becoming sufficiently informed to pass the final exams. Granted, one assignment (the one I did Tuesday morning, and for which I relied on Webboard for advice) bore an uncanny resemblance to an assignment started a few hours before due date on which I relied on Webboard for advice, but other than that, I'm amazing. This should put to rest those ridiculous rumours that academic last three and a half months.

In other news, this blog finally got its first real celebrity hit: incoming Gateway Editor-in-Chief Adam Rozenhart stopped by to say hello and compliment me on my choice of blog template.

Webboard moment of the past several days: we're going to give this one to the University of Calgary Students' Union Webboard for a thread which, though nominally about law school, is basically an excuse for a lot of pretentious people to fight about nothing. My own (decidedly ill-advised) involvement begins on page 5.


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