
Thursday, April 01, 2004

I got the shirt, but not the explanation. Which I suppose it preferable to the reverse, because I really like that shirt.

Today is a special day for any number of reasons. First of all, it's the day that I break out my horrible boy scout shorts and sandals. Yes, it's time to pack away my Winter geek style for the year, and break out Summer geek. Milan is excited - I can feel it from here.

Second, it's my cat's fifth birthday. She seems to be feeling a little out of sorts today, but that won't stop me from communicating my birthday greeting: I hope you die and burn in hell you vile, miserable, beast.

Third, this is the day that I finally get all of the Survivor Pool entries in order. If any of yo should happen to see Tyler Botten, Mike Garlough, or Anand Sharma today, badger them relentlessly for me.

Also, I'm going to accomplish a bunch of stuff today. Really.

Finally, it's April Fool's Day. I'm not much good at the whole April Fool's Day Joke thing (the last paragraph was my attempt for this year, by the way), but it was nice to see that the Gateway rehashed the tired old "Our Editor-in-Chief died" joke, and then failed to even post it on their website. At least, I hope it's a joke. I'm going to feel pretty bad if it turns out that Boutet actually *is* dead.


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