
Monday, April 19, 2004

"Steve does not have many friends..."

Because that last entry was so dull, I'm making another one right now - my favourite reference letter of all time, written by one of my high school teachers when I was applying for the Parliamentary Page Program in Ottawa (I did make the second round of interviews, but failed to proceed further):

"Sir, Madam,

I hereby declare that I totally support any program that involves Steve Smith moving to Ottawa for an extended period of time. Not only will this be beneficial for the general well-being of our province, but Steve is actually somwaht qualified for this position. I make this statement based on two painful years as Steve's teacher in French Language Arts and Social Studies classes at Paul Kane High School in St. Albert, Wild Rose Country.

The position for which Steve is applying is related to the government, which Steve follows a lot more than the average gifted teenager. Steve is very well-briefed on his side of political issues, and is willing to argue about them loudly and clearly. He will take your position and make it appear ridiculous - in his eyes, at least, which are the only ones that matter to Steve. He will not hesitate to declare you a fascist or a separatist, which demands an ability that comes naturally to Steve: to overlook traditional courtesy and social skills. As far as tact and diplomacy go, he will remind you of a young Pierre Trudeau, but with slightly stronger opinions. With those qualities, he belongs in Ottawa.

Steve has been in French Immersion for all of his scholastic life, and is now able to ramble on for quite some time in a loosely-structured and jumpy, yet imaginative, use of the French language. His English is almost as good as it is fast. He will let you introduce your position, and then take it down with sharp criticism. He is known for interrupting while in discussion, and for being able to put you in your place with only a brief, demeaning, glare. Steve does not have many friends, and prefers to walk against the wall rather than to challenge the flow of the crowd while navigating his way in the school's halls. He is very effective at pointing people where to go in their visits to the school, and that IS good experience.

Steve is what could be called an effort-challenged but talented individual, able to produce barely acceptable work when not motivated and some occasional quality work when he deems the task interesting enough to actually be worthy of his effort. Lots of potential here!

For all of these reasons, please use Steve in Ottawa for as long as you can. Extend the program if necessary. Alberta should have some sort of emergency fund for doing so what with those huge surpluses.

Thanks you for listening,

[Name deleted]"

He actually provided another, more flattering letter, for me to actually send, but this one was more honest.


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