
Monday, April 19, 2004

When your mother-in-law has one eye, and it's in the middle of her forehead, you don't put her in the parlour.

First order of business - I thought it might interest you to know that, based on my tracking statistics, the following people have stalkers:

Bazin, Josh
Hall, Henday
Hirji, M. Mustafa
Hudema, Mike
Kawanami, Kyle
Nator, Buxi
Prusakowski, Ross
Samuel, Chris
Smith, Jen
Tam, Nick

Either that, or you're all typing your names into Google just to see what happens. Egomaniacs. Strangely, nobody has yet found this site through a search that included *my* name.

The next order of business - apparently I'm eccentric. This doesn't surprise me, but the fact that I'm apparently sufficiently eccentric for a high-ish ranking member of the University of Alberta administration to characterize me as such in private conversations with others does. What maes me more eccentric than anybody else? We all have our characteristics that set us apart - some of us don't shave during election campaigns, while others among us enjoy bathing in baked beans - so what makes one person more eccentric than another?

Back in high school, some friends of mine secretly designated one of our classmates as the most normal person in the school, the idea being that he was the person with the fewest defining characteristics. He adhered to convention, but not so slavishly as to be noteworthy. He passed courses, but not so spectacularily to be memorable. He had interpersonal skills, but not so many that he'd produce conversations worth repeating. Yeah, he was a little dull, but not spectacularily so. He was so remarkably unremarkable that I remember him better than I remember, for example, the guy who tended to shriek at air molecules. I suspect that this relates to my original point somehow - first person to explain to me how wins a dollar.

Third order of business - one exam to go, and then being unemployed becomes *really* embarassing.

I listened to an old favourite today - Spirit of the West's "Political." It's clearly supposed to be about a relationship gone bad, but I always picture an incumbent, defeated in an election. Though I suppose that is a relationship gone bad, of sorts. Perhaps I need professional help.

What is your favourite pentathlon event? Discus.


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