
Friday, April 23, 2004

"You will receive good advice from your accountant. . ."

Courtesy of Thomas comes the following game, which everybody on the planet except for Roman Kotovych and me apparently already knew about: when receiving a fortune cookie, attach the words ". . . in bed" at the end of its fortune. For example, last night I received a fortune reading "You are broad-minded and socially active." Those who know me will realize that a less accurate fortune could scarcely be conceived. But wait: simply add the words ". . . in bed" on the end, and you're left with "You are broad-minded and socially active. . . in bed." Apparently, we spoke too soon when we indicated that it couldn't have become less accurate.

This game, according to a study which employed a sample size of ten, makes eighty percent of fortunes more amusing. Even one of the ones that didn't work - "You will receive good news by mail. . . in bed" - at least *sounded* kinky, even if it did not, technically speaking, make any sense. The most amusing was "Accept the next proposition you hear. . . in bed."

In other news, I have started using MSN Messenger. Those of you whose e-mail addresses I have not immediately succeeded in tracking down should add me to your contacts list - steve dot smith at ualberta dot ca - that I might reciprocate and, in increasing the size of my Messenger contacts list, have my existence validated.

Thank you to whoever ran a Google search for ' "Steve Smith" "U of A" ' and thereby rectified the previously identified situation in which plenty of people had found my blog by searching for other people, but none had done so by searching for me.

Finally, noted Computer Science wannabe, Faculty Association Presidential sister, lurker on my blog, and current possessor of my Father Ted tapes Vanessa Thomas has started a blog. Actually, she started it several months ago, but I was only recently able to crack her top secret URL.

Go Wings.


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