
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Financially speaking, I guess I'm a washout

As you are aware, I have been canvassing on behalf of Edmonton-Strathcona NDP candidate and purported anti-Semite Malcolm Azania. I assumed that this would provide me with countless humourous anecdotes to relate over my blog. Tragically, I was wrong. The only two experiences worth recounting are the following:

1. I was attacked by a raven. Or possibly a crow. It was quite scary. Stop laughing.

2. I got to say "Sir, I should advise you that if you do not allow me entry to this building, you will be contravening Section 81 of the Canada Elections Act." He still didn't let me in.

In other news:

1. I have been spending every free moment since Friday sleeping, hence the lack of bloggery. I promise I'll straighten up my priorities soon.

2. The following conversation actually occurred at work yesterday:

Customer: Here's some garbage.
Me [In what is, for me, a fairly perky and sincere tone of voice]: Thank you!

I wish I was dead.

3. I watched most of the French language leaders debate yesterday, until I fell asleep a little after seven. I may post some thoughts on that at some point. Until then, let me just say that my favourite parts where all those during which Duceppe and Layton went head to head, because they basically climbed all over each other (figuratively, though literally would have been fun, too) to see who could attack Martin more. Do you *think* the NDs know that the odds of them winning seats in Québec are the same as the odds of the Bloc winning seats outside of it?

To work. . .


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