
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

So a priest, a rabbi, and an MP walk into a Safeway. . .

So there I was, pushing a bunch of shopping carts around the Safeway parking lot (making, as I always am when dealing with shopping carts, a "vvvvvrrrrooooommmm" noise under my breath), when who should enter but John Williams, incumbent Member of Parliament for St. Albert, Conservative candidate for Edmonton-St. Albert, and Spencer's hero. I make some jovial remark about how he should have campaign volunteers doing this for him, and he responds with some jovial comment about how I should leave his personal space before he calls the police, and we go our separate ways.

But the more I think about it later on, the gladder I become that MPs do their own grocery shopping, even (especially?) during the election. Can you imagine Congressfolk doing the same?

I'm no patriot, but Canada has its advantages.


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