
Thursday, June 17, 2004

What will it cost you? Besides your soul, I mean.

The above was Sam Power's reaction upon seeing that I was contemplating buying a New Radicals (or is that spelled "New Radicalz"?) CD at the campus Book Store's 80% off on all music sale.

Before I proceed with further details of the sale:

1. I did not wind up buying the CD in question.
2. Those of you who have considered ridiculing me for even considering it may save your e-breath - I am fully aware how despicable it is that I like the New Radical(s/z). But we all have our dirty little secrets, and I would imagine that liking the New Radical(s/z) ranks somewhere below defrauding seniors or voting Conservative on the despicableness scale. Besides, what can I say - I've got the dreamer's disease.

Anyway, I did take the opportunity to buy discs by Kansas, Tom Cochrane, and Bob Seger. I also bought the classic "No More Mr. Nice Guy", a selection of metal covers by gospel singer Pat Boone. Some Christian television network apparently kicked his show off the air after he came out with that one. On the subject of metal, I increased the size of my AC/DC record collection by [#ERROR DIV BY ZERO] percent by purchasing one of their albums. Now I will never need to purchase another one, since AC/DC only ever wrote one song, and I now own twelve copies of it on a single CD. Finally, I bought "Legendary Songs of Don McLean", mostly to see if the S at the end of the word "songs" was a typo.

There is no reason any of you should care about this. Stop reading this post right now. Read the previous one instead, as it's much better. Shorter, too.


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