
Friday, June 11, 2004

Why can't you be more like that nice boy Kail Ross?

I've come to the conclusion that, since no Vice President (Student Life) will ever accomplish anything, they can be judged against each other based solely on how much they spent accomplishing said nothing. Hrere, then, is the case for Kail Ross as the greatest Vice President (Student Life) ever:

Money spent by the Student Life portfolio (in constant 2004 dollars)

1999-2000 (Clark): $ 47 930
2000-2001 (Wanke): $ 49 300
2001-2002 (Wanke): $ 61 052
2002-2003 (Ross): $ 42 842
2003-2004 (Mah): $ 49 568

If we look only at the "Volunteer PR" line of the budget, the most discretionary and therefore most oft-abused portion of the VPSL's budget, the results are even more striking:

1999-2000 (Clark): $ 4 951
2000-2001 (Wanke): $ 4 317
2001-2002 (Wanke): $ 4 743
2002-2003 (Ross): $ 1 797
2003-2004 (Mah): $ 4 749

A similar case could be made for Chris Samuel as the greatest Vice President (External) of all time, but I don't feel like making it.

And now: poker.


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