
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Another reason Liberal voters are idiots

Also: another reason to vote on the basis of local candidate

So, a lot of people voted Liberal solely to prevent the Evil Conservatives from coming in and denying gays the right to marry. It will take, assuming a full House of Commons (ha!), 155 MPs to vote in favour of gay marriage before gays will legislatively be given the right to marry. It's probably a safe bet that approximately one hundred percent of the NDP and Bloc caucuses will vote in favour, for a total of 74 MPs. There may also be (generously guessing) about six Conservative MPs, including Belinda Stronach, who support it. This means that the measure would require the support of at least 75 of the Liberals' 134 MPs. Pre-election, the Liberal caucus was said to be split about fifty-fifty on the question. Assuming this ratio holds, the Liberals be the deciding factor in the defeat of same-sex marriage (it will be irrelevant, of course - the courts will see to that).

Also - how many votes do you suppose the (presumed) 62 or 63 Liberal MPs who oppose same-sex marriage received from voters voting Liberal just to stave off the evil Conservatives and their anti-gay leanings?


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