
Sunday, July 18, 2004

Insert Your Own Damned Commentary

I'm too tired to put together any sort of coherent commentary right now, but were I to do so, it would probably be on the following two items from today's news:

1. Martha Stewart: "There are many, many good people who have gone to prison. Look at Nelson Mandela." Nonetheless, Martha, I would suggest that the average goodness of people who have gone to prison as compared to the population at large is rather low. Or perhaps not, given all of the people I know who are not in prison despite being extremely bad people. At any rate: being jailed for lying to federal investigators is different from being jailed for political beliefs.

2. The WHA, in an attempt to dispel any rumours that it's not a complete fucking joke, held its inaugural draft. Among the players selected: Theo Fleury, Kirk Muller, Doug Gilmour, and Maurice Richard. Okay, I'm pretty sure I was kidding about Fleury.


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