
Monday, July 26, 2004

The word of the day is "meninges"

First, sorry for my absence. As if I owe you daily blog posts, you vile e-lampreys. Though you seem to be doing just fine with my comments section.

Anyway, those of you who haven't already done so should check out Joel's Fifty-Second Post Extravaganza, because it features an interview with yours truly.

Also, I seem to have been designated (though not by anybody with the capacity to do so, I don't think) See Magazine's city affairs writer, meaning that you all need to read that particular rag for something other than Dan Savage from now on.

In other news, I have continued my strict regimen of not acting unduly weird towards customers when my boss (whoever that is) is around.

Better, more coherent, and more substantive post to come, after I catch up on everybody else's blogs. In the meantime, keep commenting, and rejoice in the knowledge that I am alive and blogging. And if you have time leftover after you've finished that, drop into the Varscona Theatre at eight o'clock any night this week for the Improvaganza! international improv tournament. I was there this evening (in the company of Chris Samuel, Sara Katz, Tyler Botten, and Janet Lo) to see our local team beat the pride of Vienna, and I wet myself numerous times. Not that me wetting myself in public is unusual.


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