
Friday, October 22, 2004

Why I Like Ralph Nader

I like Ralph Nader. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you if you know my politics, or read my blog, or know anything about the Students' Union Executive Committee on which I sat, or saw the title of this post.

But my affection for Ralph Nader transcends mere politics. First of all, I like the fact that he is running for President, and getting all sorts of media attention, and garnering enough to support to be seen as a factor in a few key states, all without having any people skills. It's inspirational, really.

"Inspirational", of course, being exactly how Mr. Nader's speech at the U of A's Myer Horowitz Theatre two years ago was described by many. And why not? It was a fine speech. But more inspirational still was the conversation that occurred in a car containing Nader, Crazy Mike Hudema, and myself, which is paraphrased below.

Awkward Silence.

Mike Hudema:
So do you think it's possible for the public interest to successfully align itself against the combined force of the private interest that dominate the world's finances, media, and politics, when existing political structures favour the continuation of the current entrenched interests?

Awkward Silence.

Ralph Nader: I'm sorry, was that a question?

My other major reason for liking Ralph Nader came when I was listening to Democracy Now! on CJSR, and heard Amy Goodman interviewing him. What struck me most about that interview was that he was actually doing the unthinkable: blaming voters for the bozos they keep electing. That's right, instead of sucking up to voters, like other politicians, and claiming that George Bush mislead them (which he did, but in a highly transparent fashion) and that voters elected him because they bought into his lies, and who good blame them, and the real villain here is the corporate media and the moneyed interests, Nader pretty much said that the reason Americans elected Bush and were about to re-elect him is that they're dumber than shit. I love that! As a voter - and I speak in dead earnest - there's nothing I like better than a politician who will identify the source of the problem, even if (especially if) that source is me!

So go Ralph! Well, except in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. I hope you get zero votes in each of those states.


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