
Thursday, November 04, 2004

Shovels: the new white meat

Before proceeding further, let's have a little evaluation of my election prediction (am I just excited about the functioning of permalinks? Yes.). I went forty-seven for fifty-one, miscasting only Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wisconsin (and, truth be told, by election day I knew I was going to be wrong about Minnesota, but I stuck with it in the interests of consistency). We still don't know what happened with Iowa, so I'm just going to say that I got that one right. None of the states whose outcomes could have led me to drink semen - those being Arkansas, Colorado, and Hawaii - were even close.

Some highlights of election night:

1. Council.

2. Meeting Rachel. I don't actually remember her very well, but she seemed nice and she now links to me (and also to a couple of other blogs to which I contribute, those being POI and DJSR (though she criticizes the latter rather harshly), so you should all head over to her place for moment.

3. Having a conversation with some guy named George who explained to me that
(a) he might be running for S.U. President this year;
(b) despite being a friend of Mat Brechtel's, he voted Steve Smith last time because he thought Print on Demand was stupid and because Steve Smith actually took the time to talk to him in CAB about the important issues; and
(c) that he'd since lost a lot of respect for Steve Smith, because he'd turned into a real asshole.
I obligingly agreed with (c).

4. Hanging with (in alphabetical order) Councillors Berghoff, Lau, Lewis, and Nicol, none of whom I knew very well before but all of whom seem to be extremely cool. In a good way.

Hey, you want something depressing? In four states - Idaho, Nebraska, Utah, and Wyoming - Bush more than doubled Kerry's votes. The reverse did not happen in any states, unless you count the District of Columbia. Which isn't a state, so you shouldn't.

Okay, hopefully that puts an end to American election bloggery for now. More on Alberta's and on the CBC's Greatest Canadian thing later.


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