
Friday, January 07, 2005

Back *and* Self-Indulgent

Absences are becoming more routine than I'd like, I admit, but things will get better, Dear Reader. I can change, Baby. Just give me another chance.

So Steve-Stalkee Paul Wells has been nominated for Best Blog and Most Humourous Blog in the 2004 Canadian Blog Awards. Now, I'm sure Mr. Wells considers it an honour just to be nominated, but what must be a greater honour still is to find himself on the same page as Points of Information, nominated in Best Group Blog and Best Blog Design. For those of you who have yet to figure out why this post is self-indulgent, I should explain that POI boasts, as a sometime (*very* sometime) contributor one S. Murray "Steve" Smith, who once starred in a movie with - you guessed it - Kevin Bacon.

What the hell am I talking about?

Anyway, go vote for Paul, and while you're at it see if you can find the time to give a little shout out to Jones, Hirji, and the rest of the POI Boyz.

I'll say something substantive soon; I promise.


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