
Monday, January 17, 2005

He wuz robbed!

So Paul finished third in "Best Blog" and second in "Most Humourous Blog" (which is strange, because he clearly deserved to win the former, but probably didn't deserve to win the latter). POI finished sixth in both categories in which it was nominated. I take solace in the fact that Paul at least thumped the obscenely overrated Colby Cosh. Full results

As for my weekend:

1. Friday I went to the Power Plant for the first time in quite a while (especially on a Friday night) because I'd heard tell that Big Rock pints were on special for $3.75 before eleven. Which they were, but there also appeared to be an Antifreeze event of sort sort going down. The best part was that Council probably could have made quorum. The worst part is that nobody seemed all that interested in trying.

2. Saturday I attended Clan MacNaughton's Robbie Burns night. I'd always considered the bagpipes to be something of a solo instrument, which obviously failed to take into account the sheer terrifying power of fourteen sets of drones kicking in at the same time. Other hilights of the evening included a claymore.

3. I have re-acquired this persistant cough that has haunted me for years. The longest it's ever lasted was thirteen months. Hopefully it will be gone sooner this time. The moral of the story, in any event, is never mix Buckley's mixture with beer. And I'm not joking; that's bad magic.

For those of you who care about student politics, I'll be holding a Webboard press conference to announce my future in them at four pm on January 25. Be there of give the impression of having something better to do with your time.

To my UBC readers (which basically consist of Spencer Keys: Vote Spencer.


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