
Friday, February 18, 2005

Steve reiterates a point he's been making repeatedly, but on to which Paul Martin doesn't seem to have yet caught

Martin warned that refusing to let gays and lesbians marry could threaten Charter of Rights and Freedoms protection for all minorities. He suggested failure to pass the civil marriage act would be counter to the values of Canadians, even though polls show Canadians are deeply divided on the issue of gay marriage and Parliament voted in 1999 to uphold the traditional definition of marriage [guess how the PM voted on that one? - ed.]

The Prime Minister, referring to a string of court rulings that said it is unconstitutional to deny marriage to gay couples and a Supreme Court statement that gays and lesbians have the right to marry claimed that Parliament would have to override the charter to avoid extending marriage rights.

How can a side that should so easily occupy the moral high ground slip into the moral low ground? Well, the two bald-faced lies identified above can't help.

One more time, Paul: either the Charter guarantees the right to marry people of your own sex or it doesn't. If it does, the vote on the Civil Marriage Act is pretty much irrelevant, since the Supremes will be forcing the issue pretty soon anyway. If it doesn't, defeating the Civil Marriage Act will have absolutely no effect on the Charter's protection of minorities. You are misleading Canadians and it makes me sick. Thank you.

In more upbeat news, Jen is the VP-elect (External) of the U of C Students' Union. Awesome.


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