
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ye Olde Blogge Entry (Entrye?)

Chapter 1: in which Steve reveals the location of his Webboard press conference on his political future

Yes, I've made my announcement. It's here.

Since then, I've been asked to run a referendum side, serve as campaign manager for a candidate, and front a joke candidate. This must be the S.U. equivalent to the lucrative offers politicians get when they retire.

Chapter 2: in which Steve relates how he almost got into a fight at the Smith/Bazin birthday bash

Random Tough #1 (staring at the broken towel dispenser in the washroom of Scholar's): What the fuck is with this?
Bazin: Just wipe your hands on your pants.
RT #1: What did you just say to me?
RT #2 (emerging from the stall): Are you disrespecting my friend?
Steve: No, no, he was just suggesting an alternative method of hand-drying.
RT #2: So we're just talking, here?
Steve: Well, I am.
RT #2: Okay, I'm okay with talking. But if anybody disrespects my friend, I kick their ass.
Steve: Seems a reasonable policy.
RT #3 (entering bathroom): What's going on here?
Steve: We're just talking.
RT #2: Everything's cool.
(RTs #1 and #2 exit the bathroom. RT #3 does his business.)
RT #3 (staring at broken towel dispencer): What the fuck is with this?
Steve: Just wipe your hands on your pants.
RT #3: Yeah, good idea.


Later in, RT #2 and RT #3 came over to our table to further discuss what happened in the bathroom and to hit on the girlfriends of those attached males present. Charming lads, really.

Chapter 3: In which Steve continues his wildly unpopular "Stupidity About Same-Sex Marriage" series

So Ted Morton has suggested that Alberta allow only religious institutions to perform marriages. The legality of the proposal aside (the Constitutional law prof quoted in the article says it wouldn't stand up, though I don't see any reason why not), I am eager to see what Morton's reaction will be once the United Church, a religious institution that would presumably be allowed to perform marriages under Morton's proposal, begins to marry same-sex couples.

Chapter 4: In which Steve reveals that it's his birthday

It's my birthday.


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