
Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pretty Much the Greatest Thing in the World Ever

So, back in grade eleven when we were learning about atomic orbitals, I designed a helpful mnemonic device to remember the order of orbitals (s, p, d, f): "spudfucker". I haven't thought much about it since, except on those rare occasions when I've been tutoring people in the subject.

Today was one such occasion. This time, though, my victim's reaction to the device was somewhat different than usual, in that he'd already heard of it. Certain that I was, in fact, the inventor of this thing, I was intrigued as to where he'd dug it up. His answer?

"A friend of mine in Mr. Ng's class told me that he learned it in class."

"Mr. Ng", you see, is known to me as Mike Ng, fellow member of the Paul Kane High School class of 2000, and now a chemistry teacher at the alma mater. Thanks to his methods, I seem to be making a contribution to the world of science.

This is totally going on my resume.


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