
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Cabinet Pool

Kyle has suggested that I create a cabinet pool, and, in the absence of much of anything better to do with my life, I've agreed to do so. Rules are as follows:

1. You must predict who will fill each of the below-listed positions in Stephen Harper's first cabinet.
2. You will receive four points for each accurate guess and one additional point for each individual you correctly identify as being in cabinet (for example, if you decide that Member X is going to be Industry and he winds up being Labour, you get a point).
3. You can name the same person for multiple positions, which could result in getting multiple points (for example, if you predict that Member X will be named Deputy Prime Minister and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister) or single points if you're partially correct (for example, if you're certain that Member X will be given either Industry or Foreign Affairs, and want to hedge your bets by predicting him for both even though you know he won't be given both).
4. In the likely event of ambiguity in the results, I will be the sole arbiter of who gets what points (I'm not entering this pool). In general, I will award points quite liberally (if, for example, a given portfolio were to be split in two, I would likely award points to anybody who predicted either of the resulting ministers).
5. Points are only awarded for senior ministers (i.e. none of this Minister of State/Secretary of State nonsense).
6. Entries should be e-mailed to me before the end of January.

The portfolios in question are as follows:

Deputy Prime Minister
Intergovernmental Affairs
Foreign Affairs
Indian Affairs
National Defence
Veterans Affairs
Natural Resources
Citizenship and Immigration
Public Works
National Revenue
Treasury Board President
Leader of the Government in the House of Commons
Leader of the Government in the Senate


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