
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Just a hunch

I think this might prove to be bad news for the NDP though, paradoxially, also bad news for the Greens. Instead of pretending, like they did under Jim Harris, that the party was "neither left nor right" (in fact, it was pretty solidly left of centre), Elizabeth May is going to push them to the point that they'll be fighting the NDP for the same pool of voters. Meanwhile, a lot of people who voted Green in that past well be disenfranchised by the turn to conventional environmental activism. Time will tell, though.

Next Day Edit: I've decided that I was wrong, and that this is probably actually good news for the Greens, if only because voters who voted Green because they thought the Green Party was significantly different from the so-called "mainstream" parties probably aren't the kind of voters who pay much attention to these things anyway. Still bad news for the NDP, I suspect.


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