
Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Fie on thee, Paul Wells! Fie! Now, dammit!

So Paul Wells is stealing my lines. I mean, first of all he, within a few days of my own use of it, titled a post "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave". Now he's using the whole "regular readers, if any" line, which is totally my thing.

Granted, it's possible that he, like several other people on the planet, has heard "Hotel California". Granted, it's possible that he, like the several dozen other people on the net who have made use of the "if any" joke, merely noticed that it's a cheap and easy way at self-deprecation. But I'm pretty sure he's lurking here for creative inspiration.

In other news, the press conference has been rescheduled to Thursday at four. Also, here's an exchange that occurred in Safeway recently (I was there to buy more Buckley's) between Gerry the Hobophobe and me:

Steve: Hi, Gerry! Look, I cut my hair!
Gerry: Do you want your job back?
Steve: No.


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